Öffentlich | Privat |
Guarantees treatment within 90 days of initial visit. | Usually retain the same doctor throughout your treatment. |
Fees capped at an annual rate. | Quicker access than public care. |
Sweden is renowned for its beauty and charm. It’s also highly acclaimed for its standard of living. Set yourself up for success by safeguarding your health in Scandinavia with Sweden health insurance packages.
The work-life balance here is greatly valued, and Sweden’s public healthcare system is widely considered among the world’s best. The World Health Organization agrees – ranking the country 23rd out of 191 for healthcare proficiency.
Private health insurance in Sweden unlocks quick and easy access to treatment at private hospitals and clinics. You can also avoid waiting lists if you’re in a hurry to get help.
To find out more, read on and discover how to get protected with Cigna.
The public healthcare system is universal and run by the central government. This system is paid for through taxes, though the government also contributes. Patients pay for some prescriptions and treatments.
Pros and cons of using Sweden’s health system
Öffentlich | Privat |
Guarantees treatment within 90 days of initial visit. | Usually retain the same doctor throughout your treatment. |
Fees capped at an annual rate. | Quicker access than public care. |
Expats living in Sweden as permanent residents are eligible for healthcare without a health insurance plan. To sign up, expats must:
You may require private health insurance in Sweden until you can obtain a personnummer. If you need care urgently, you can visit a närakut (local acute care centre).
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Weltweiter Versicherungsschutz oder weltweiter Versicherungsschutz ohne USA
Jährlicher Erstattungsbetrag
Zu den Grundleistungen der Silver-Versicherung gehört Versicherungsschutz für stationäre und teilstationäre Behandlung, einschließlich von Krankenhausaufenthalten und -behandlungen.
Verfügbare Zusatzmodule:Weltweiter Versicherungsschutz oder weltweiter Versicherungsschutz ohne USA
Jährlicher Erstattungsbetrag
Umfassender Versicherungsschutz mit höheren jährlichen Gesamterstattungsbeträgen und zusätzlichen Leistungen, einschließlich stationärer Mutterschaftsleistungen.
Verfügbare Zusatzmodule:Weltweiter Versicherungsschutz oder weltweiter Versicherungsschutz ohne USA
Jährlicher Erstattungsbetrag
Unsere höchste Versicherungsschutzstufe bietet einen unbegrenzten jährlichen Gesamterstattungsbetrag sowie eine vollständige Kostenübernahme für die meisten Leistungen.
Verfügbare Zusatzmodule:Land des Wohnsitzes und Land der Staatsangehörigkeit
Jährlicher Erstattungsbetrag
Eine unentbehrliche Krankenversicherung für Personen, die Versicherungsschutz lediglich in ihrem Wohnsitzland und im Land ihrer Staatsangehörigkeit benötigen.
Verfügbare Zusatzmodule:Choose Cigna health insurance in Sweden for a flexible plan that works for you.
You can qualify for Sweden’s free public healthcare with Swedish residency. As an expat, you’ll qualify after living in the nation for a year. Prior to that, it’s best to consider an international health insurance package to ensure you safeguard your health from all eventualities.
There’s no law against not having insurance cover, though it will prevent you covering potentially large medical bills yourself.
Public healthcare is universal in Sweden if you have a residency permit for over a year, but you may need private insurance from your home country at first. This would be the case until you can get a Swedish ID number, which will grant you access to the public healthcare system.
With international health insurance, you can travel anywhere and know you’re looked after.
Most emergency dental treatments will be covered by our International Health Insurance core package.
Regular check-ups and other additional services are covered under our Dental specific packages. You can add these at sign-up or by contacting our Customer Care Team.