Internationale Krankenversicherungen

Our solution: Cigna Global Health Options

  • A flexible health plan to meet specific individual needs

  • Cover for an individual expat or for the whole family

  • Available from the age of 18 years old with no upper age limit

  • Efficient and dedicated customer support (including advisors, nurses and doctors)

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At Cigna Healthcare we specialise in international health insurance for globally mobile individuals. Wir sind bestrebt, unseren Kunden dabei zu helfen, ihre allgemeine Gesundheit und ihr Wohlbefinden besser in den Griff zu bekommen und sicherzustellen, dass unsere Kunden immer die benötigte hochwertige Pflege erhalten, damit sie sich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren können, nämlich ihre Genesung.

Build a plan to suit your needs and budget, choose between Silver, Gold or Platinum.


Annual maximum of $1.000.000 for inpatient and daypatient treatment.

  • Einzelzimmer

  • Full cancer care up to $1.000.000

  • Medical Imaging and scans up to $10.000

  • Rehabilitation, including Physiotherapy, up to $5.000

  • A&E Room Treatment up to $500

  • No inpatient maternity covered


Annual maximum of $2.000.000 for inpatient and daypatient treatment.

  • Einzelzimmer

  • Full cancer care up to $2.000.000

  • Medical Imaging and scans up to $15.000

  • Rehabilitation, including Physiotherapy, up to $15.000

  • A&E Room Treatment up to $1.000

  • Newborn care cover up to $75.000

  • Inpatient Maternity up to $7.000


Inpatient and daypatient treatment is Paid in Full.

  • Einzelzimmer

  • Komplette Krebsbehandlung

  • Medical Imaging and scans Paid in Full

  • Rehabilitation, including Physiotherapy Paid in Full

  • A&E Room Treatment up to $2.000

  • Newborn care cover up to $156.000

  • Inpatient Maternity up to $14.000

  • Mental & Behavioural Healthcare Paid in Full

The Cigna Healthcare Difference

Global coverage with local expertise

Coverage across the globe wherever you are located, with the option to include the USA.

Flexibilität, freie Wahl und Übertragbarkeit

We give you choices to built the appropriate level of cover with a plan that moves with you in over 200 countries and jurisdictions.

Cover, regardless of your age

From 18 year old, you can enrol to your own policy and keep it as long as required. We don’t apply an age limit on our international health plans.

Unterstützung der psychischen Gesundheit

Extensive programmes and additional resources to look after your mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Verträge im Detail

An overview of key benefits, for full benefits please view Product Brochure [PDF]

Plan tier Silver Gold Platinum


Worldwide or Worldwide excluding USA

Annual overall benefit maximum – per beneficiary per period of cover Silver Gold Platinum

1.000.000 $

2.000.000 $

Krankenhausgebühren Silver Gold Platinum
Private room Private room Private room
Erweiterte bildgebende Verfahren (MRT, CT und PET) Silver Gold Platinum
As part of impatient, daypatient or outpatient treatment. 10.000 $ 15.000 $
Psychiatrische Behandlung und Verhaltenstherapie Silver Gold Platinum
5.000 $ 10.000 $
Krebsbehandlungen Silver Gold Platinum
Versicherungsschutz für die Notaufnahme in ein Krankenhaus außerhalb des Versicherungsgebiets Silver Gold Platinum
100.000 $ 250.000 $
Routine maternity cover (12 months) Silver Gold Platinum
7.000 $ 14.000 $
Globale Telemedizin mit Teladoc Silver Gold Platinum

Unbegrenzte Konsultationen

Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.

Waiting period applies.

Plan tier
Worldwide or Worldwide excluding USA
Annual overall benefit maximum – per beneficiary per period of cover
  • 1.000.000 $

  • 2.000.000 $

    • Private room

    • Private room

    • Private room

    Erweiterte bildgebende Verfahren (MRT, CT und PET)

      As part of impatient, daypatient or outpatient treatment.

    • 10.000 $

    • 15.000 $

    Psychiatrische Behandlung und Verhaltenstherapie
    • 5.000 $

    • 10.000 $

    Versicherungsschutz für die Notaufnahme in ein Krankenhaus außerhalb des Versicherungsgebiets
      • 100.000 $

      • 250.000 $

      Routine maternity cover (12 months)
      • 7.000 $

      • 14.000 $

      Globale Telemedizin mit Teladoc

        Unbegrenzte Konsultationen

      Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.
      Waiting period applies.

      The following sections detail the optional benefits you can choose to add to your core cover. For full list of optional benefits, please view the Product Brochure

      The International Outpatient optional module provides more comprehensive outpatient care where a hospital admission as a daypatient or inpatient is not required, including consultations with specialists, prescribed outpatient drugs and dressings, rehabilitation, genetic cancer testing and much more. For a more detailed overview of the optional International Outpatient module, please view our Product Brochure [PDF]

      Annual International Outpatient benefit maximum – per beneficiary per period of cover Silver Gold Platinum
      15.000 $ 35.000 $
      Consultations and outpatient procedures with medical practitioners and specialists (in-person or virtual appointments) Silver Gold Platinum
      2.500 $ 7.500 $
      Verschriebene Medikamente und Verbandsmaterial Silver Gold Platinum
      1.500 $ 4.500 $
      Pathologie, Radiologie und diagnostische Tests (ausschließlich erweiterte bildgebende Verfahren) Silver Gold Platinum
      2,5000 $ 5.000 $
      Pre-natal and post natal care Silver Gold Platinum
      3.500 $ 7.000 $
      60+ Versorgung Silver Gold Platinum
      500 $ 1.000 $ 2.000 $

      Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.

      Waiting period applies.

      Annual International Outpatient benefit maximum – per beneficiary per period of cover
      • 15.000 $

      • 35.000 $

      Consultations with medical practitioners and specialists (in-person or virtual appointments)
        • 2.500 $

        • 5.000 $

        Verschriebene Medikamente und Verbandsmaterial
          • 1.500 $

          • 3.000 $

          Pathologie, Radiologie und diagnostische Tests (ausschließlich erweiterte bildgebende Verfahren)
          • 2,5000 $

          • 5.000 $

          Pre-natal and post natal care
          • 3.500 $

          • 7.000 $

          60+ Versorgung
            • 500 $

            • 1000 $

            • 2.000 $

            Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum, if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.
            Waiting period applies.

            Wir wissen, wie wichtig Ihr allgemeines Wohlbefinden und ein ausgewogenes Leben sind. Neben Gesundheitschecks, Tests und Untersuchungen stärkt dieses Modul Sie und Ihre Familie auch durch die Dienstleistungen und die tägliche Förderung Ihrer persönlichen Gesundheit und Ihres Wohlbefindens. Your Wellness companion, comprising of the Life Management Assistance programme and the Wellness Coaching, is available to help you and your family stay healthy and well, both physically and mentally.

            Lebensberatungsprogramm Silver Gold Platinum
            24/7 access to counsellors for mental and behavioural health support.
            Telefonisches Wellness-Coaching Silver Gold Platinum
            Access to a personal wellness coach for lasting lifestyle changes.
            Programm zur Unterstützung der psychischen Gesundheit Silver Gold Platinum
            Bis zu 20 persönliche Beratungsgespräche pro Erkrankung und Versicherungsdauer.​
            Routinemäßige körperliche Untersuchung für Erwachsene Silver Gold Platinum
            325 $ 650 $ 2.000 $
            Fußbehandlungen durch einen Fußpfleger oder Podologen Silver Gold Platinum
            $325 up to 5 sessions $650 up to 10 sessions $900 up to 15 sessions
            Cancer Screenings Silver Gold Platinum
            325 $ 650 $

            Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.

            Waiting period applies.


              24/7 access to counsellors for mental and behavioural health support.

            Telefonisches Wellness-Coaching

              Access to a personal wellness coach for lasting lifestyle changes.


            Programm zur Unterstützung der psychischen Gesundheit

              Bis zu 20 persönliche Beratungsgespräche pro Erkrankung und Versicherungsdauer.​

            Routinemäßige körperliche Untersuchung für Erwachsene
            • 225 $

            • 450 $

            • 600 $

            Fußbehandlungen durch einen Fußpfleger oder Podologen
            • $225 up to 5 sessions

            • $450 up to 10 sessions

            • $900 up to 15 sessions

            Cancer Screenings
              • 225 $

              • 450 $

              Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.
              Waiting period applies.

              Der internationale augenärztliche und zahnärztliche Versicherungsschutz deckt die Kosten des Anspruchsberechtigten in Verbindung mit routinemäßigen augenärztlichen Untersuchungen sowie die Kosten für Brillen und Brillengläser ab. Ebenso darin enthalten sind eine Reihe vorbeugender, routinemäßiger und umfangreicher zahnärztlicher Behandlungen.

              Annual Dental Treatment benefit maximum Silver Gold Platinum
              1.250 $ 2.500 $ 5.500 $
              Präventivversorgung (3 months) Silver Gold Platinum
              Routineversorgung (3 months) Silver Gold Platinum
              80 % Erstattung 90 % Erstattung
              Umfassende Zahnrestauration (12 months) Silver Gold Platinum
              70 % Erstattung 80 % Erstattung
              Kieferorthopädische Behandlung (18 months) Silver Gold Platinum
              40 % Erstattung 50 % Erstattung 50 % Erstattung

              Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.

              Waiting period applies.

              Annual Dental Treatment benefit maximum
              • 1.250 $

              • 2.500 $

              • 5.500 $

              Präventivversorgung (3 months)

              Routineversorgung (3 months)
              • 80 % Erstattung

              • 90 % Erstattung

              Umfassende Zahnrestauration (12 months)
              • 70 % Erstattung

              • 80 % Erstattung

              Kieferorthopädische Behandlung (18 months)
              • 40 % Erstattung

              • 50 % Erstattung

              • 50 % Erstattung

              Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.
              Waiting period applies.

              International Medical Evacuation provides coverage for reasonable transportation costs to the nearest centre of medical excellence in the event that treatment is not available locally in an emergency. This option also includes medical repatriation coverage, as a result of a serious illness or after a traumatic event or surgery. Compassionate visits for a parent, spouse, partner, sibling or child to visit a beneficiary after an accident or sudden illness will also be covered.

              Medizinische Evakuierung Silver Gold Platinum
              Medizinische Rückführung Silver Gold Platinum
              Crisis Assistance Plus® Programme

              This programme is provided by global crisis response experts, FocusPoint International®, who support global travellers with 24/7 multilingual response centres and resources in over 100 countries. Crisis Assistance Plus®(CAP) provides time-sensitive advice and coordinated in-country crisis assistance for risks when travelling.

              Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.

              Waiting period applies.

              Medizinische Evakuierung
              Medizinische Rückführung
              Crisis Assistance Plus Programme
                This programme is provided by global crisis response experts, FocusPoint International®, who support global travellers with 24/7 multilingual response centres and resources in over 100 countries. Crisis Assistance Plus™ (CAP) provides time-sensitive advice and coordinated in-country crisis assistance for risks when travelling.
              Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.
              Waiting period applies.

              Bitte beachten Sie, dass dies eine Darstellung der verfügbaren Leistungen ist und die für jede Leistung geltenden spezifischen Bedingungen und Ausschlüsse hier nicht enthalten sind; Sie sollten den Kundenleitfaden für vollständige Einzelheiten zu den Leistungen lesen. Die Preise werden nur in US-Dollar (USD) angezeigt. Bitte entnehmen Sie die Leistungsgrenzen in EUR / GBP der Verkaufsbroschüre.

              Why Choose Cigna Healthcare for International Health Plans?

              Customisable cover

              You can select the right plan based on your individual situation.

              24-hour assistance

              You'll get access to a multilingual service with 24/7 availability.

              Cigna Network

              With Cigna Healthcare, you have access to over 300.000 mental and behavioural health care providers, more than 67.000 contracted pharmacies, and over 150 in-house doctors and nurses.

              Digitale Tools

              Our Cigna Wellbeing™ app gives you access to a range of features, including the Global Telehealth service to easily and quickly speak with a doctor or specialist

              Häufig gestellte Fragen

              At Cigna Healthcare, we believe a customer of any age deserves to access suitable healthcare for their needs. This is why we do not terminate a customer’s health insurance policy based on their age and we do not implement an age cap on any of our plans.

              We look after our customers though access to over 2,2 million partnerships, including 300.000 mental and behavioural health care providers, more than 67.000 contracted pharmacies, and over 150 in-house doctors and nurses. We offer in network direct billing, and for all inpatient and daypatient treatment we require prior authorisation, which simplifies your customer journey.

              As a Cigna Global Health Options Customer, you have access to our Mental and Behavioural Health Care covered under your core inpatient and daypatient benefit within the international health plans as standard. We have an optional health and wellbeing module which offers our Life Management Assistance Programme providing confidential assistance with any work, life, personal or family issue that matters to you through counselling, telephone support and online programmes.